Saturday, April 2, 2011

Formative Assessment: "I Would Like..." Quick Write

Targeted Learning
I've written about formative assessment in earlier posts.  Here is another idea to help target what each of your students need. There isn't a snappy name for it, no acronym either, it's called I Would Like...

Students write a quick note to the instructor about which skills they wish to improve. I used this idea immediately after my students self-corrected a BrainPop! quiz about fractions. I asked them to write me a little note on their quiz paper about what they would like to practice more.  I gave them some guidelines to help them construct their responses.
  • Be specific on which area(s) you'd like to have more help.
  • If you feel comfortable with fractions already, how would you like to be challenged?
  • Be honest with yourself. Honesty will help you grow as a learner.
  • Keep your responses to 2-3 complete sentences please.
Keeping the responses to 2-3 sentences does two things. One, it keeps the activity efficient. It takes approximately five minutes, and provides quality insight into student needs. Second, the responses are succinct and will make for quick reading on my end.

I was pleased with the written feedback my students gave me. I've shared two examples of student responses below.

Student Response
After reading their quick writes, I made little piles of the responses that had similar areas of need. I used these piles to help me make small groups with which to work. There are three wonderful benefits to grouping students in this way. The groups are skill-based, not ability-based. The lessons are focused on what the student wants to learn, so there is student need already in place. The skills are targeted and focused, so we will make great use of classroom time by tackling what they're lacking, and/or demanding deeper understanding.

Student Response

I can't wait to see my students, get them in groups, and help them overcome their challenges. I'll feel satisfied, and more importantly they will feel satisfied.

I hope you use this quick and effective idea in your classroom soon.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I love this! Anytime teachers can put responsibility of learning on the student, students will learn. Reflection through quick writes and goal setting can be very powerful for our students! Thank you, Jason!